Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Home-Made Car

Score!! Found our favourite film from boarding school days, The Home-Made Car (1963)! We didn't know much about it except that it was one of two films played at half-term. We thought it was so funny (we girls liked the mischievous girl next door), and it was shown during the best part of school, our mid-term breaks.

Of course, we didn't pay attention to the BP "product placement" nor did we particularly appreciate the British classic cars featured. But we eagerly anticipated the oil-squirting-in-the-face scene! Watching it 30+ years later, I enjoyed the glimpse of domestic life--the apron and heels; serving tea; laundry hung out to dry; the hand-cranked sewing machine.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A new look

I finally decided to venture here to do something with my blog that I (sort of) transferred from my now-defunct ftp website:

But, my, how things have changed since 2001! These templates are magical.