Saturday, May 12, 2012

Boundary stones

When I walked outside this morning, I saw that three large stones had been placed in the herb spiral in the front yard, rocks I had dug out from the back yard of my previous residence. I would have left them at my old place, except for the spot-on suggestion of Jordanne that they could be useful here.

They immediately recalled the boundary stones of the Ancient Near East and stones that were used as memorials in the Bible (e.g., after the Israelites crossed the Jordan River in Joshua 4).

And, Psalm 16:6 came to mind: "The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance (NIV)." Or, as the Common English Bible translates the verse: "The property lines have fallen beautifully for me; yes, I have a lovely home."

Then, the significance of land was underscored in this column in The Jerusalem Post by Wayne Stiles:
When one reads the Bible, it becomes clear how geography is the stage on which the redemptive narrative takes place. The land God chose was not arbitrary, for He designed even the land itself to develop the spiritual lives of His people. One of God’s stated purposes in bringing the Hebrews from Egypt was to give them a land that fostered faith (Deuteronomy 11:10-15). The land was never intended to be just a place to live.

Land. Home. Boundary lines and stones. A place. A grateful heart. 
To whom much is given much will be required.