Tuesday, October 05, 2004


I love how a random click on a link directs me places I'd probably not deliberately seek out that introduce me to an author or book that intrigues me and ties together other ideas I've been reading about.

For example, somewhere (I don't remember where) I saw a link to an article about a family who decide to live for a year and not spend money on things, except food and other depletable necessities.

I then looked around the site of the person who'd originally linked to the article. She homeschools her children following the book The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home, by Susan Wise Bower and Jessie Wise. I'd not heard of the book but know of others who use the classical pattern for their children's educations.

So I recognized a similar book title, The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had, when I read through the book catalogue from A Common Reader, which I had requested after reading a couple entries at Theory of the Daily.

The notion of being self-educated or, at least, continuing to build on my earlier education now that I'm working full-time again and am out of academia, has been on my mind. I've really been enjoying book sites, especially Blog of a Bookslut. (It amuses me that the site is blocked at work, not because it would distract people from their job duties but because of the title, I'm sure.)

To be continued....

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