Saturday, December 04, 2004

Bulletin board

These days it seems all I have time/space for here are summary postings of reminders.

Last Sunday one thing I did make time for was clearing and preparing a space for my Advent altar. I drapped a beautiful blue with purple fringed silk scarf over the corner of my mantle and bookcase, placing on it two cobalt-blue glass candleholders with white candles and scattering white rocks gathered on a Washington beach to symbolize a path.

The other symbol I'm using this season is that of cleaning house.
Just as Lent is an appropriate time for spring cleaning, Advent, too, invites us to pay attention to our spaces, to eliminate the clutter and unnecessary furnishings....(Sundays and Seasons 2005, p. 23)
So, for this Sunday I chose the hymn "People, Look East."
People, look east. The time is near of the crowning of the year.
Make your house fair as you are able, trim the hearth and set the table.

People, look east, and sing today—
Love, the Guest, is on the way.
Sparrow, at Mercy Street, is posting wonderful Advent quotes.


Norwegian knitting: Arnhild Hillesland, via the Winter 2004 Interweave Knits magazine.


How Iris Murdoch's novels have been analyzed to show traces of the beginning of her Alzheimer's disease: The Guardian article via Bookslut. I first heard the story on NPR. Dr Peter Garrard, the neuroscientist who led the study, mentioned that part of what informed the research was his undergraduate studies in ancient languages, where he was schooled in how to analyze texts.

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