Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bike pannier

This past week, my bike shop ordered in a pannier for me to check out. I'd looked at wire baskets, including collapsible ones, but wanted to see how the nylon bags worked. I ended up getting the nylon pannier—and I really like it.

The bag easily hooks onto and slips off the back rack, with a ring on an elastic band that slides onto a short bar on the bottom of the rack and two hooks that slip onto the top of the rack. So when the bike is parked, I just take the bag with me, as it has two handles on top to carry it.

The bag is resizable via the cinch ties on the side and can be opened up to carry at least a grocery-bag size worth of items.

Yesterday I was able to keep my resolve not to drive my car at least one day a week. I put my books into the bag and rode down to the church for the women's breakfast and Bible study. Then, after I came home, I strapped a box of blankets on the back of the bike that the church women had made some time ago and delivered them to the local chapter of Project Linus. The blanket-making volunteers were having a work day at a nearby church.

It was such a satisfying feeling to be able to run my errands on my bicycle, the happy feelings augmented, no doubt, by the extra surge of endorphins from all the exercise.

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