Sunday, June 26, 2005

A few notes

Just a few notes to keep this site updated. I've not been very inspired to write—I make notes in my mind but don't quite get them written down. For example, I've been wanting to mention the beautiful jacaranda trees, which have now almost all finished blooming. Just as the jacarandas shed their purple flowers, the agapanthus have taken up the blooming task. I have two at their peak by my front door right now.

Part of the problem is that I gave up coffee. After getting my teeth cleaned last week, I decided to try keep them somewhat unstained by foregoing coffee. I didn't realize how off-kilter quitting coffee would send me. Friday was OK, but yesterday I felt thick-headed all day, and today's not much better.

Yesterday I did stop by a couple libraries and, by chance, saw a novel, The Preservationist by David Maine, on the new books' shelf. It's an imaginative re-telling of the biblical story of Noah and the Ark. I checked it out, partly because one of the praise blurbs on the back cover was by Jim Fegus Fergus, an author recommended by Charlotte of LivingSmall in the "What I'm Reading" section of her Web site.

I read the book through last evening—it reads very quickly—and I quite enjoyed it. Each chapter is written in the voice of one of the characters—Noah, his wife, their three sons, and the sons' wives. It is rather graphic in parts; however, I appreciated the characters' struggles with God and with the destruction of all life except that which was in the Ark.

This afternoon, on my way back from church, I stopped by yet another public library and checked out Jim Fergus's new historical novel, The Wild Girl: The Notebooks of Ned Giles, 1932.

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