Friday, June 04, 2004


The plumber has moved over to my side of the duplex after working on the other side for a number of weeks now. Originally it was to put in copper piping. But of course, once you start ripping out walls and looking under floor boards, you find all sorts of stuff, like lead pipes. Does anyone know of the possible side effects of drinking water for four and a half years that's come through lead pipes? I formerly used a Brita filter but haven't for well over a year now.

I don't know how long it's going to take fix up my side. The wall next to the shower and floor and joist underneath the tub is pretty much disintegrated. I'm trying to persuade the plumber not to swap out the wonderful old bathroom sink, even if it does have rust stains from the overflow outlet. I think it would be worth it to reglaze it.

The kitchen sink and wall faucet are going to be swapped out, too. I've also put in my request to add plumbing for a small washing machine in the kitchen. We'll see. Why don't I just come out and directly ask for a raise in rent?

To get to the kitchen sink, the plumber has to cut in through the bedroom wall. So last night I was cleaning up the bedroom. Between the bedroom and living room, I have at least 14 feet of unshelved books; approx. 43 feet of shelved books; 4 feet of magazines and binders (plus the basket full of magazines and catalogues); 2 1/2 feet of cookbooks; 1 foot of unshelved library books; and around a dozen boxes of books in the garage. I need an office lined in bookshelves!

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